The Bossed Up Bible
Meet Tori Green and Kaitlen Villa, co hosts of The Bossed Up Bible. Hear about how they began their journey as females entrepreneurs navigating a male orientated world; and how that led them to each other. Bonding on manifestation and goals that seem unrealistic to most, this opinionated duo will have you laughing and learning at the same damn time.
The Bossed Up Bible
Psychotic Break or Spiritual Awakening
Tori Green and Kaitlen Villa
Season 1
Episode 10
This week Tori and Kaitlen introduce their first guest! Fellow bossed up woman Nathalie Shapiro, LAc. a herbalist, certified acupuncturist and woman’s health educator. With her guidance the ladies dive deeper into comparing Eastern and Western medicine and diagnosis. They focus on the woman’s place in this system of medical abuse, and ignorance.